Nikolai M. Svetlov
Moscow Agricultural Timiryazev Academy (Russia)
Irina V. Bezlepkina
Moscow Agricultural Timiryazev Academy (Russia)
Wageningen University (the Netherlands)
Low financial discipline and an inefficient credit system in Russia
result in irrational financing of agricultural production. Postponed payments
and lack of the short-term credit/deposit possibilities negatively influence
production (Macours & Swinnen, 1999). This study aims at answering
the question whether irrational financing causes essential losses for Russian
agricultural production and what is their approximation?
The modified Bayesian formalism (Svetlov, 2000) used in this study
allows us to employ scarce data to approximate losses. We used this formalism
to approach the empirical dependence of profit on cash flow and debts.
This dependence is used as an objective function of optimisation model.
This model seeks for the optimal quarterly cash distribution within a year
allowing for taking credit and making deposit (specification I and II)
and for variability in debt receivable (specification II). The losses are
derived by comparing the values of optimal profit to capital ratio and
the modelled ratio under actual cash flow distribution.
The model is applied to a sample of farms of Moscow Region. We used
60 quarterly reports of six agricultural enterprises from 1995 to 1998.
The results are obtained fpe two scenarios of each model specification.
The scenarios represent efficiently working and imperfect economies with
different discount rate. The losses amount to 42.6% of total farm's expenses.
The reserves to improve farm financial performance can be revealed from
individual changes in the quarterly cash flow distribution. The efficiency
of working capital on average improved by 0.10 (specification I ) and by
0.15 (specification II). These results give the first insight to evaluation
of consequences of irrational financing. Further investigations are necessary
for a greater number of farms in order to analyse how these losses can
be reduced by changes at the policy level.
1. Macours, K. and J.Swinnen 1999, ‘Causes for output decline in economic
transition: The case of central and Eastern European agriculture’. Paper
presented at the IX EAAE Congress 1999, Warsaw, Poland.
2. Svetlov, N.M. 2000, ‘Metodika predvaritel'noi otcenki poter', obuslovlennykh
neratcional'nym finansirovaniem sel'skohozyaistvennykh predpriyatii’ [Methodology
of preliminary evaluation of losses caused by irrational financing of agricultural
enterprises, in Russian]. Working paper published at RePEc file archive.
RePEc serial: nos:ecomon:747321.
© Í.Ì. Ñâåòëîâ, È.Â. Áåçëåïêèíà, 2000.
Âåðñèÿ 25 èþëÿ 2000 ã.