
Papers on value theory

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2. Price formation as an information process and purposefulness of agricultural production WP Proceedings of the Conference of youth researchers and specialists of MTAA June 2-4, 1993. Moscow, 1993 (The manuscript is archived in VNIITEIAgroprom, No 164/18 ВС-93) 10  
Because the processes of market redistribution of goods are still (or always) in progress and far from completion, the prices of goods in agricultural sector are non-equilibrium prices. Hence, they do not serve as a reliable source of information about the scarcity of resources. The problem of calculation of shadow prices that could be reached at some competitive equilibrium is stated. This theoretical paper was written at the 1st year of PhD research and, in fact, contains nothing new (of course, that time I had a different impression :-).
Access: only available at the Library of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (Moscow). In Russian.
7. Substantiation of land prices in the Moscow Region for the period of transition to market economy WP Proceedings of the Conference of youth researchers and specialists of MTAA June 7-8, 1994. Moscow, 1994 (The manuscript is archived in VNIITEIAgroprom, No 144/6 ВС-94) 12  
The a single commodity market equilibrium model is used to calculate average agricultural land prices for the Moscow Region and its rayons (districts). An amount of expected re-distribution of land and its economic effect are approached for two cases: of actual motivation and of a hypothetic motivation that accords with the maximal social welfare effect. Normative conclusions, which are made in the paper, are not actually something new.
Access: on-line, PDF format (in Russian).
9. Economic substantiation of a land price system: Detailed abstract of the Cand. Ec. Sc. dissertation WP Moscow, 1995 25  
See annotation to (10).
Access: on-line, PDF format (in Russian). UDK 631.164.25.
10. Economic substantiation of a land price system: Cand. Ec. Sc. dissertation diss. Moscow, 1995 224  
The a single commodity market equilibrium model is used to calculate average agricultural land prices for the Moscow Region and its rayons (districts). An amount of expected re-distribution of land and its economic effect are approached for two cases: of actual motivation and of a hypothetic motivation that accords with the maximal social welfare effect. The contradictions between these two types of motivation are studied. The technique of approaching supply and demand curves (rather approximate one) is described in details. The opportunities of its improvement are discussed.
Access: on-line, PDF format (in Russian). UDK 631.164.25.
12. Land price as a scientific category of economic systems publ. APK: ekonomika, upravlenie, 1995, vol. 10, p.33-38. 15 A.M. Gataulin
It is shown (once more :-) that the problem of agricultural land price is of great importance for the transitional process. A system of indicators of land price is suggested. The stress is made at the necessity of full-scale project analysis for each land transaction. The contradictions between farm utility and whole-economy interests are studied with respect to the agricultural land market.
Access: on-line, PDF format (in Russian).
17. A system of models for substantiation of land prices publ. Symposium "Mathematical methods of development of agricultural production systems (SVAP)": The proceedings. Moscow, 1995, p.82-85 8  
There is a brief description of the models developed in the dissertation (10)
Access: on-line, PDF format (in Russian).
19. Mathematical analysis of marginal costs and prices by means of a model of intersectoral equilibrium WP Moscow, 1996 (The manuscript is archived in VNIITEIAgroprom, No 20ВС-96) 23  
A simple matrix model is analysed, which is mathematically similar to von Neumann model. The model is a system of single-commodity equilibria equations for the whole set of commodities. It is shown that ratio of marginal total input of ANY commodity per unit of each commodity of some pair is the same for this pair. This induces the interpretation of marginal total input of any commodity per unit of some commodity as an indicator of total economic cost of production of the latter commodity. Another conclusion is that the mentioned above ratio is equal to the ratio of equilibrium prices of the commodities of this pair.
In principle, the ideas presented in the paper are correct but the evidence is yet something dim because of a poor connection to the mainstream theory of value.
In the formulation of the central theorem of the paper there is a mistake that was found when the paper has been already published. Some later this mistake was also discovered by an anonymous referee from Central Economics and Mathematics Institute who reviewed another paper of mine, which, happily, missed to be published.
Access: on-line, PDF format (in Russian).
23. Objective conditioning of prices: intersectoral approach publ. Topical problems of development of agriculture: The collection of youth researchers and specialists papers. Moscow, MTAA Publishing House, 1996, p.43-49 10  
Earlier paper at the same subject as (19). The main result, the relation between equilibrium prices and marginal total costs, not yet formally proven but just observed while numerical testing of the model.
Access: on-line, PDF format (in Russian).
25. Regularity of land price formation in the Moscow Region publ. Doklady TSHA. Moscow, MTAA Publishing House, 1996, issue 267, p.3-7 10  
One more paper based on (10). In contrast to earlier ones, this paper stresses at the factors conditioning marginal efficiency of a land unit. To approach them, grouping technique is applied on the value of the marginal efficiency. Unlikely I would do it today like that time. As the theoretical relation between the factors and the margianl efficiency is not clear, the factors may not be properly chosen.
Access: on-line, PDF format (in Russian).
28. Technological and economic interpretation of objectively conditioned values WP Topical problems of increasing economic efficiency of agricultural production: Proceedings of the Symposium of youth researchers and specialists of Economic faculty of MTAA June 25, 1996. Moscow, 1996 (The manuscript is archived in VNIITEIAgroprom, No 214/4 ВС-96) 10  
In the paper the relation between prices and total costs is extended to the case of shadow prices (objectively conditioned values, in Leonid V. Kantorovich's terminology) in a linear program. At last the theorem on that the conclusions are based is formulated correctly.
Access: on-line, PDF format (in Russian).
30. Price system under a general equilibrium WP Topical problems of increasing economic efficiency of agricultural production: Proceedings of the Symposium of youth researchers and specialists of Economic faculty of MTAA June 25, 1996. Moscow, 1996 (The manuscript is archived in VNIITEIAgroprom, No 214/6 ВС-96) 18
Extending the model described in (19) to the case of exogenous growth rates of technology. It is demonstrated (not in a very sharp manner), that the set of possible technology growth rates is restricted by the condition that the growth of value of the whole system is fixed at some magnitude (that is quite well known as von Neumann rate, as I got known some later). The technology growth rates completely determine re-distribution of funds by means of credit. Nowadays, only the latter statement seems to be something new, or, to be precise, I still do not know any work addressing this issue.
Access: on-line, PDF format. UDK 338.5:63.001.573.
33. Properties of commodity balances in desagregated models of economic systems WP Moscow, 1997 (The manuscript is archived in VNIITEIAgroprom, No 263 ВС-96) 25  
Generalisation of results presented in (19) and (28) by means of formal balance system concept. Any model that can be deduced to the form of formal balance system has the same property of relation between shadow prices and total costs of any commodity. It is shown that the properties of formal balance systems are inherent to any linear program, von Neumann model, Arrow-Debreu model, the model described in (30).
Access: on-line, PDF format (in Russian). UDK 338.5:63.001.573.
43. Economic interpretation of the properties of a balance system publ. Proceedings of Russian Independent Association of Agrarian Economists: issue I: The problems of developing agricultural market in Russia. Moscow: MTAA publishing house, 1997, p.311-317. 8  
Brief version of (33). Also some naive extension of an idea of an objectively conditioned value is presented. Namely, the turnpike properties of one model with von Neumann-Gale technological set are noticed. This attempt indicates nothing but the author's nescience of the turnpike theory (although the results do not contradict to it).
Access: on-line, PDF format (in Russian). UDK 338.5:63.001.573.
47. Properties of opportunity cost of capital in a model of disproportionally expanding economic system WP Moscow, 1998 (The manuscript is archived in VNIITEIAgroprom, No 28 ВС-98) 15  
The study of a model (19) is continued. The aim is to analyse its behaviour when the growth rate is lower than von Neumann rate. The conditions are specified that are necessary for the model to be economically interpretable. In particular, these conditions ensure non-negativity of prices under any growth rate below von Neumann rate.
Access: on-line, PDF format (in Russian). UDK 336.748:631.155.
53. Market behavior and formation of value under absence of information on prices WP Working paper ewp-mic/9809001, EconWPA, 1998. 7  
A model of exchange in the economy with private property is presented having a very high level of generality. As it is shown, the behaviour of economic agents in this model tends to some Pareto optimum, in any of which the individual value of any commodity appear to be the same for all agents who actually use this commodity.
Access: on-line, PDF and PS formats (in terribly bad English).
60. Agriculture in a system of redistribution relations WP Proceedings of the Conference of youth researchers and specialists of MTAA June 9-10, 1998. Moscow, 1998 (The manuscript is archived in VNIITEIAgroprom, No 95/11 ВС-98) 8  
The redistribution processes in that agriculture takes part are analysed by means of input-output model. It is shown that the prices of agricultural products could be lower if there were no fiscal redistribution. Market prices compensate the funds outflow caused by fiscal processes.
Access: on-line, PDF format (in English).
62. Prices and technological proportionality in desagregated economic models publ. Doklady TSHA. Moscow, MTAA Publishing House, 1998, issue 269, p.409-415. 8  
Just as (43), this is one more outcome of shrinking (33). A dynamic input-output model, a linear programming model, von Neumann model and Arrow-Debreu model are deduced to a formal balance system form. The relation of shadow prices to total costs that is inherent to balance systems is interpreted in terms of each of these models.
Access: on-line, PDF format (in Russian). UDK 330.115:338.5.
65. Application of a balance model of disproportionally expanding economic system to studying the conditions of measurableness of economic growth and inflation rate publ. Conference of youth researchers and specialists of MTAA June 10-11, 1997: The proceedings. Moscow, MTAA Publishing House, 1999, p.400-404. 8  
The total value of commodities in the model described in (30) grows at von Neumann rate with no regard to grow rates of particular technologies. That indicates the existence of the economic system growth measure and, consequently, inflation rate measure, both independent on arbitrary weights of commodities.
Access: on-line, PDF format (in Russian). UDK 330.115:336.748.
69. Market behaviour and formation of value under absence of information on prices abst. Proceedings of Russian Independent Association of Agrarian Economists: issue II: Effectiveness and competitive ability of Russian agricultural sector. Moscow, 1999 - vol.2, p.252-259 6  
The paper in Russian similar to (53) but written earlier and thus containing some misprints that are fixed in (53).
Access: on-line, PDF format (in Russian).
71. Does absolute land rent exist? WP Novosibirsk, 1999 (The manuscript is archived at RARDES file archive, serial nos:econom:1687846. 6  
A polemic paper that proves the possibility of absolute land rent by means of a simple oligopolistic land exchange model. The paper was brought to life due to Corr.member of Russian Academy of Sciences and of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences G.I. Shmelyov's opinion that absolute rent is nothing but K.Marx's coinage.
Access: on-line, PDF document (in Russian). MS Word (6.0 and newer) file is also available.
72. Approaching coefficients of transformation prices into opportunity costs by means of intersectoral balance data abst. Economic and mathematical methods in AIC: History and outlook: Proceedings of international scientific symposium (April 13-15, 1999, Moscow). Мoscow, 1999, p.204-207. 5  
As a result of studying mathematical models of the theory of value from the point of view of information processes affecting the preferences of economic agents, the approach is suggested to a widely known problem of economic analysis of projects, namely to a problem of calculating special conversion factors (SCF), which are used to convert prices into opportunity costs. The approach makes use of input-output analysis data.
Access: on-line, PDF format (in Russian).
78. A model of absolute land rent formation publ. Doklady TSHA. Moscow, MTAA Publishing House, 1995, issue 271, p.344-351. 8  
A simple mathematical model of a monopoly of private property on land is described. The model explains the cause of an absolute land rent and specifies the technique of measuring this rent. The absolute land rent exists with no regard to differences in organic composition of industrial and agricultural capital.
Access: on-line, PDF format (in Russian).
81. Conditioning of preferences and value in an economic system publ. Proceedings of Russian Independent Association of Agrarian Economists: issue III: Stabilisation of Russian agricultural sector. Moscow: MTAA publishing house, 2000, vol.2, p.77-80. 7  
>The term "preference" is itemized. Three types of preferences are introduced: (a) inherent to an economic system; (b) conditioned by production; (c) conditioned by exchange. The latter are the same for all economic agents under a Pareto optimum. The behavioural model of an economy is suggested having an objective function that formulates the preferences conditioned by exchange. In this model material processes (including consumption) completely determine the value of goods.
Access: on-line, PDF format (in Russian). UDK 338.5:63.001.573.
82. Difficulties that agriculture faces: the point of view of the value theory abst. Nikonov lectures - 2000: Market transformation of agriculture: a decade experience and outlook. Moscow, NKPO "Encyclopedia of Russan villages", 2000, p.188-189 6  
The essential source of difficulties experienced by Russian agriculture while transition is an imperfect price system. The suggested is a step-by-step correction of prices without violating the right of an owner to freely set the price of any commodity belonging to him. The approach is based on the dependence of preferences on prices that was studied in the previous papers.
Access: on-line, PDF format (in Russian).
84. Arguments in favour of conditioning value by factors of social production publ. Doklady TSHA. Moscow, MTAA Publishing House, 2000, issue 272, p.352-357 8  
A formalisation of information process of preference formation is suggested. In micro-economic models based on this formalisation value of goods is completely conditioned by the system of technological processes. The conditions of logical feasibility of a hypothesis about independence of value on the preferences of economic agents are specified.
Access: on-line, PDF format (in Russian). UDK 338.5:63.001.573.
87. Influence of information processes on preferences WP Proceedings of the Conference of youth researchers and specialists of MTAA June 6-8, 2000. Moscow, 2000 (The manuscript is archived in VNIITEIAgroprom, No 152/57 ВС-2000) 19  
A formalism describing influence of information processes on an economic agent's preferences is developed. The formalism is based on mathematical models of preferences genesis process that is affected by the opportunities of goods transformation available to the economic agent. It is assumed that the agent has a set of demands of different nature, which may not be commensurable. In any Pareto optimum of demand satisfaction levels norms of substitution of demands are objectively defined. The demands can be combined into preferences, which are local in the given Pareto optimum, by means of these norms of substitution.
Access: on-line, PDF format (in Russian). UDK 338.5:63.001.573.
93. Demographic determinant of value WP Moscow, 2001 (The manuscript is archived in VNIITEIAgroprom, No 87 ВС-2001) 20  
The central result presented in the paper is a determinacy of both time preferences and opportunity cost of capital by rate of population growth.
Access: on-line, PDF format (in Russian). UDK 330.101.5.
94. Value in the theory of systems and in economics WP Moscow, 2001 (The manuscript is archived in VNIITEIAgroprom, No 86 ВС-2001). 39  
The point of view over nature of value is suggested, according to which abstract value is inherent to systems of any kind consuming scarce resources. Value as an economic category is a specific instance of abstract value. It has properties and functions (in particular, social) that do not belong to abstract value. This approach facilitates formalisation of the value formation and preferences formation processes, approaching objective quantitative relation between value and expenses of any scarce commodity. The results of this approach form a base for a new concept of value that concentrates on the determinacy of value (defined as an incarnation of relation between people apropos commodities) by social production processes.
Access: on-line, PDF format (in Russian). UDK 330.105.
95. Measuring a size of a national economy: theory of value approach WP Moscow, 2001 (The manuscript is archived in VNIITEIAgroprom, No 88 ВС-2001). 32  

In order to formally define the concept "a size of a national economy" a vector programming model is developed. On its base the measures for economic growth, welfare dynamics, inflation rate are defined. These measures can only be calculated when a perfectly complete economic information is available. More practical proxies for the mentioned measures should be proven to be correlated with their formal prototypes. The approach is suggested that allows measuring an economic system on the base of information about its GNP.
Access: on-line, PDF format (in Russian). UDK 330.101.541:31.

97. A formalism for representation of a preferences formation process publ. Proceedings of Russian Independent Association of Agrarian Economists: issue V: Financial sanation of AIC businesses. Moscow: MTAA publishing house, 2000, vol.2, p.229-235. 6  

It is suggested to use a vector programming problem to represent a process of formation of an economic agent's preferences out of non-comparable demands. The paper is based on the Lourier's general reciprocity theorem in mathematical programming and its child concept of vector programming problem Lagrangean function (introduced by me).
Access: on-line, PDF format (in Russian).

Unpublished manuscripts

System of Values of Agricultural Lands: Economic Substantiation (1996)
A paper in something like English, similar to (25). It was planned to be presented as a poster at the conference of German Agricultural Economics Association but the plans were destroyed by invalidity of my international passport :-(
Access: on-line, PDF format (consists of English words).


© N.Svetlov, 1998-2009.
November 1, 2009.